Thursday, February 19, 2009

Running Running

19th Feb, 11.02 PM, 2009
I read in the paper today- 'How to get over mood swings'.... The apt article for me at this point!
I m suffering from a major case of mood swings! 

Sometimes the mood changes are so sudden and so unpredictable that before I can adjust to one mood, I end up in a completely different state of mind! And I am tired of it!

So from the article in the paper, I picked up some tips and I plan to start exercising tomorrow. Apparantly it increases endorphins (in lay man's terms, it is the happy hormone). So from 20th Feb, whether or not Sree plans to join me (which he promised but doesn't seem to keep up the promise :D), I am going for a nice jog on the beach everyday morning!

Another thing that I plan to begin from tomorrow is studies! I finally chalked out a complete timetable.. till the day of the exam and I so want to follow it to the T! I realised I am the kind of person who doesn't like to be idle. Actually, I am the kind of person who others don't like being idle. I become max irritable because of inactivity. I like being busy, doing something constructive always. But I usually need a push (no no.... a major shove) to start anything. The lack of this impetus, makes me sit around lazily through the day and by the end of the day, I am very very irritated with myself! And the irritation spills over to everything around me.

And I end up writing meaningless posts like this one!

But from tomorrow, mood swings will be controlled, mind will not be kept idle, my josh for exercise will be rekindled and you guys will not have to read random ramblings of a demented mind! I promise! :D


Lan said...

mood swings, even i face them; i think even i should try to keep myself busy!! :) good post; i dont think it is blah blah; keep the good work going

Arvind Keshav said...

Muhahahaha....all talk and no work!!!